Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just Rationality and Logic?

Sowmya and Satish had been friends for as long as neither could remember!...But, the reactions from Satish today have stumped her! This is certainly not the friend she knew for all these years, the one she admired, respected, and cherished the company through thick and thin! The qualities which made her fall head over heels for him are nowhere visible at this moment!

Lying on the ground, Satish was in a trance. He did not feel the high of the alcohol running through his veins anymore. More than what had happened, it was the slow realization of his misbehaviour that had sent him into the shock! He was in no mood of getting up! He just wanted to die lying there rather than realize completely the situation and then, worse, face the disheartened and shattered Sowmya!

Few years back...

"Have you tried just studying the tougher parts rather than roam around tensed about the schedule?" Sowmya asked the fanatically roaming Satish. "I know you are very particular about sticking to the schedule part, Satish. But, you were unwell! There is nothing you can do about that!! You ought to have more confidence in yourself. You have been preparing for the exam for the past 1 year now. I have seen you doing the old papers one time definitely!! Just because you couldn't do it the second time, does not mean anything! And please stop looking at those trigonometry problems. You are the baap of Pythagoras himself in that. And start preparing more of Calculus, especially mugging up those integration formulas. You are so poor at that!" Satish seemed to calm down a bit and sat beside her. "First, understand your weaknesses and start preparing those topics. Meanwhile, change your plan a bit to suit your schedule instead of roaming around like this and revising your strengths every time! You should stop freaking out so much for such small changes and rather adapt yourself with the changes!! Come on...Nobody has beaten you in any maths exam till now, so no one can change that so easily in the future! Be A MAN!!...Don't freak out so much like a chicken!!" Satish felt he needed those strong words from Sowmya to wake him up from his depressive mood. And she did just that! Though his parents tried talking to him around the same point, he still needed the words from Sowmya; not for the idea, but just for the emotional support!

An year later...

"Come on, Uncle. You are right in wanting a secure future for Sowmya! But, is it not more important that she loves what she does? I agree dancing does not exactly has a promising future! But, she has already established a name for herself as a dancer and won international prizes! It is not like a childish whim! She almost fainted once just watching a doctor cut open a patient's body and always cringes when the doctor is looking inside somebody's mouth! You expect her to become a doctor? I mean it is true that the path ahead for a dancer is 100 times more difficult than a doctor! But, she has talent to become a great dancer and she is getting scholarship as well to learn the art form from any great dance exponent she wants and from such a prestigious university! I agree her life won't be as extravagant as a doctor, but considering what she already has in her hand, don't you think she is on the course to lead more than a comfortable life? So, you tell me...is she better off in a career she is not interested earning millions or in one she is devoted and leading more than a comfortable life? I am not saying money and secured life are not important, but how far do we go sacrificing our dreams just because we are scared? Actually, in this case, not even Sowmya is scared, you are!! Please uncle...give it a thought!!" The father did not need any more convincing. Sowmya was dreading as to how to tell him about the offer! She cried heavily when she recounted to Satish that her father rejected the idea and sternly commanded her to take up medicine. She had almost given up on the dream, but Satish wouldn't hear another word! Sowmya was looking at him in a way she never had before. Both of them had never been in love with anyone throughout. Since they already had each other, be it for secretive matters, emotional support and advice at times of peril, they never really felt any kind of attraction or need for any other person.

4 years later ...

Satish was laughing hard! Sowmya stood there confused. "Oh! You were NOT kidding?" He realized in a minute since Sowmya was not laughing! "Sowmya, I am sorry! But, I never looked at you that way. I strongly feel that you are a pillar of support in my life. And, may be, as you just said, I might have fought for your rights and dreams! But, I did that just because you were my friend. Since I believe you understand me very well, let me tell you that the kind of life partner I am looking for is completely different. I am looking for a successful engineer/doctor to be my wife with good knowledge in finances etc. I am not saying that you are any less than an engineer or a doctor. Just that I am looking for such a person. I am extremely sorry if I have hurt you, but hope you can understand. Sowmya?" Sowmya stood there, not sure how to even react. She did understand that Satish has a right to choose a wife of his liking, but she simply could not bear rejection from him. Satish tried to talk, but thought the better of it and dropped her at her home after she regained some composure.

2 days later ...

"Hmmm...if suicide was really on your mind...you should have watched RGV ki AAG! That would have killed you for certain rather than slitting the wrist!" Ashok was trying desperately to make Sowmya at least smile after the daring decision of hers the other day! She seemed to be looking in the distant, but managed a weak smile at her childhood friend's futile effort! "Ok...it has been a week and you need to come out into the sun! Let us take a walk in the park! Oh My Gawd...that rhymed!" Ashok had been around Sowmya ever since he heard of the rejection. Satish, on the other hand, was not sure of what to say or do, and hence resumed his routine as he felt time is the best healer of the wounds. Sowmya wanted to just sleep and drown into oblivion, but Ashok could be very persuasive. "Oh come on yaar! I have been such a good friend and was beside you all the time, even though it was soooo boring!! You owe me!" She had no choice...They went to the park...It was refreshing from the dampened mood of her room! They went on to watch a movie the next day, eat out the next. Sowmya was looking forward to meeting Ashok everyday as she slowly started to limp her way back to normalcy.

3 months later ...

"How many more days you will avoid me?" Satish was standing at the doorway as Sowmya and Ashok returned from a dinner. "It has been 3 months already now! I gave you your space. I gave you time to heal. I mean who cries over a stupid breakup for more than 2 months?" 

Sowmya was shocked! The stench of whiskey was all over Satish. "Satish, it is not about logic. You can never know how long it takes..." 

"SHUT UP Ashok!!" Satish growled as Ashok tried to reason. "You know what Sowmya...you are a bloody witch! You make people dependent on you and then you just ... whoosh... vanish when they need you the MOST!! I called so many times last month...I told you I had an interview and I need your help. But NO...you wanted MORE time! You are such a selfish person! Do you not remember what all I did for you as a friend?? And when your time came to help me, you JUST ABANDON me?? You think this is done?"

Sowmya tried to reason. "Come on Satish...You know I am your friend! You honestly think I won't help you if I couldn't? I did talk to you on the phone! I told you not to shift jobs in 3 months. But, you wouldn't listen. You just wanted me to encourage you and never cared for my opinion. I still told you that you can easily crack it and that you should slow down on the drinks which seems to be THE thing since your new job! But, you just slammed the phone..." 

"Oh come on...you think you can escape this just because you talked to me on PHONE? You should have come...No matter what, you should have talked to me in person and gave me the support! That is what friends do Sowmya!! You know I couldn't do it without your talk! So you took revenge on me! Just because I rejected you, you took revenge!! But, what about your own sincerity madam? HUH?? You love me, then I reject you, so you go find another one?" 

Ashok interrupted, "Satish, it is not like that!" 

"Oh SHUT UP Ashok. I know you had been jealous of our friendship and that is why you planned to take her away from me. Whats more, you even turned her against me now."

Sowmya tries to turn and open the door. Satish holds her hand and turns her against the wall and comes uncomfortably close. "Where do you think you are going Mrs. Ashok. I will not let you get off this so easily!" 

As he clutches her hand tighter, a bangle cracks!

SMMAAAAAAAACKKKK!! Ashok could not control it anymore. Sowmya stands transfixed as Satish falls to the ground shocked to his core!!

Friendship and Break ups are not really based on logic...are they now? So, is it enough to be just rationale and logical or is it necessary to add just a pinch of emotion?


  1. Of course. We need a pinch of emotion, a tea spoon of tears, a table spoon of laughter and a pint of Kentucky Bourbon :) good read. enjoyed it.

  2. What was it ? A play? Real incident or something :) ! Nice writing skills karthik.

  3. What was it ? A play? Real incident or something :) ! Nice writing skills karthik.

  4. This story is a work of fiction...Any resemblance with real life characters or incidents is purely co-incidental...maa kasam!! :) Thanks for the compliment though!! :)

  5. :) Well done Karthik!!. Work of fiction or real life.. It's a story many could relate to :)
